Many ransomware groups would historically avoid attacking the healthcare industry, as this lead to more unwanted attention from law enforcement. Now, it looks like those days are behind us, and hackers realize the payoff from infiltrating healthcare systems is just too good to leave on the table.

In the past year, over 540 healthcare organizations reported data breaches to HHS, and ransomware was seen as a top threat in many of these cases.

The GuidePoint Research and Intelligence Team (GRIT) examined these trends in their annual ransomware report, identifying 63 distinct ransomware groups, targeting thousands of victims. Healthcare ranked as the third most targeted industry, seeing a notable uptick in attacks, behind only manufacturing and technology.

While prominent ransomware groups lead in the victim count, many emerging groups tried their hand in the healthcare industry as well, with no apparent fear of the consequences. Targeting providers is getting more popular in the world of cybercrime.

What does this mean for you?

Now is not the time to be backing off on cybersecurity protections. Do you know where your biggest threats lie? Do you know the easiest way into your secure systems?

In order to protect your organization, your team, and your stored patient data, you need to have the best security measures in place. This includes implementing multi-factor authentication wherever possible and providing ongoing training for employees on how to keep hackers out. Phishing is still a common, profitable tactic for these groups, so make sure your staff knows how to identify a fake email and respond appropriately. One wrong click could be devastating to your organization financially and operationally.

How can you know your biggest vulnerabilities? By conducting your Security Risk Analysis as required by HIPAA. The best way to do this is with Medcurity’s all-in-one HIPAA compliance platform and expert services. 

Medcurity serves as a valuable resource for healthcare organizations to assess and uphold HIPAA compliance. It simplifies the intricate process of the HIPAA compliance risk assessment through a user-friendly tool. Its advantages include:

Efficiency: Medcurity automates numerous aspects of risk assessment, saving both time and resources by aiding organizations in efficiently identifying and resolving compliance gaps.

Comprehensive Analysis: The platform guides users through a thorough assessment, evaluating administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to offer a holistic perspective on compliance.

Customization: Medcurity enables organizations to tailor their compliance efforts to their specific requirements, generating personalized recommendations and action plans based on their unique context.

Documentation Management: It simplifies the management of necessary documentation, assisting organizations in maintaining an organized and current record of compliance activities.

Education and Training: Medcurity provides educational resources and training materials to enhance staff comprehension of HIPAA requirements, fostering a culture of compliance within the organization.

Scalability: Medcurity is adaptable to changes in the healthcare landscape, accommodating regulatory shifts and ensuring continuous compliance.

As the leading HIPAA compliance platform, Medcurity offers healthcare organizations an intuitive solution for security risk assessments. If you have questions about the platform or best cybersecurity practices, let us know!